
Created by Jane 4 years ago

I have an early memory of Audrey in the 1950’s beaming and waving as she walked jauntily along clutching her little niece Brenda by the hand, and her cheerful smile is the defining element of all other memories.

I remember her devotion to her huge ginger cat, so placid and reliable that she delighted in leaving the door to the budgie’s cage wide open. The budgie would fly around the room and sometimes land between the cat’s paws, but never came to harm.

Audrey and my mother were cousins and shared a wicked sense of humour, always finding the fun in any situation and giggling like schoolgirls whenever they were together.

Her smile waned just a little in 2015 when she was hospitalised for many months, but, remarkably, she pulled through and, with the care she received at Harry Sotnick House, her personality shone out again as she recovered her strength.

In mid-January this year Ben and I found her in fine form. We reminisced about the old days and, as always, the reminiscences brought much laughter.

Sadly, cruel Covid has robbed us of her smile, but the memories remain. RIP Audrey, you made the world a happier place for us all.

Jane and Ben